Real Steps You Can Take to Turn Your Ideas & Goals Into Successful Reality
Our government has indulged in incredible financial and economic irresponsibility. They have made a series of disastrous monetary decisions. So, how can you rely on the very people who are breaking our system to help you?
We have a president who has spent more money and put every citizen of the United States of America into more debt than any other president in history. We have record numbers of people who are no longer working in the labor force, despite the government's doctored unemployment numbers. Economic data is terrible. Retail sales are terrible. Corporate earnings are horrible. The stock market is falling because the Fed has raised the interest rate a teeny tiny quarter of a percent, but our economy is too weak to handle even that. All of this is going to lead to more businesses losing money and more people losing their jobs.
Which brings me to what this article is about. Helping you take control of your life and being able to take your ideas and successfully turn them into reality. Now is the time to understand that you can achieve the life you desire, even in these dismal economic times.
10 Reasons You Need to Thank America for the Exceptional Life You Live (article)
Anti-Americanism from abroad would not be such a problem if Americans were united in standing up for their own country. But in this country itself, there are those who blame America for most of the evils in the world. On the political left, many fault the United States for a history of slavery, and for continuing inequality and racism. Even on the right, traditionally the home of patriotism, we hear influential figures say that America has become so decadent that we are “slouching towards Gomorrah.”
But the critics are wrong about America, because they are missing the big picture. In their indignation over the sins of America, they ignore what is unique and good about American civilization.
Citizens’ Rights Shredded – On a Whim, Government Elites in Australia Vote in a New Prime Minister (article)
It is 10pm, September 14, 2015 and I am visiting family in Sydney, Australia. Something just happened 15 minutes ago that would, with good reason, shock any American.
Australia's prime minister, Tony Abbot, was challenged by someone in his own liberal party, Malcolm Turnbull, to become the new prime minister today. Within 8 hours of Turnbull announcing his challenge, and a vote of 100 government people, the entire country of Australia just got saddled with a new prime minister they didn't elect.
If I Was Australian I’d Be Pissed – Why Australia is So Expensive and a Warning to U.S. to Avoid This (article)
Here in Australia, everything is outrageously expensive!! Way more than even Europe. Especially housing. Yesterday, the Brit and I had lunch at a sweet, cozy spot with a burning fire in a fireplace in Manly Beach overlooking the ocean. Our server was an American and I immediately started chatting him up about why he was in Australia and his experiences here.
Why Stocks Are Falling All Over the World and How to Protect Yourself (Short Article)
Has your stock portfolio just had a scary roller coaster dip? Feel like you might have a heart attack with last week's perpetual drops in the stock market?
Today, the S&P 500 was halted for the first time in history. The DOW saw the biggest intraday drop EVER. Stocks are falling all over the world. It's frightening stuff if you have a significant portion of your savings and investments in the stock market. Who is everyone blaming for this? China, of course. Especially mainstream media.
But China is not to blame. The Federal Reserve is to blame.
A Poisoned River – One More Instance of Ruling Elite in U.S. Not Subject To Its Own Laws
A disastrous three million gallon toxic mining waste spill into Colorado's Animas River, caused by the Environmental Protection Agency, is proving to Americans, yet again, that when the government is the culprit, no one is held accountable. Their actions show that government thinks so highly of itself and it is not subject to the same laws that the rest of us are.
“If a mining operator or other private business caused the spill to occur, the EPA would be all over them…the EPA admits fault and, as such, must be accountable and held to the same standard.”
Kudos to Gay Baker Who Understands Freedom and Schools Fellow Gays on the Truth About Their Bad Behavior (video)
My respect and applause goes out to Jesse Bartholomew, a baker, who happens to be gay, had the courage to stand up and tell fellow gays the truth about their appalling behavior in this 2 minute video.
Jesse expresses his frustration with fellow gays about the fact that they are punishing Christian bakers who have declined to bake their wedding cakes.
He has a really wonderful point. WHY would you even want someone who has a different view than you working on such a personal part of your wedding? There are so many bakers to go to, why focus on the one that has religious views that conflict with yours?
Because this isn't about cake. This isn't about hurt feelings. This is about ego. And punishing.
What Happens When You Try to Get a Wedding Cake for Gays from a Muslim Bakery? (video)
Want to know what happens if you try to order a wedding cake for a gay wedding from a Muslim bakery?
Yeah, I did too!
Which is why I watched and posted this great video by Steve Crowder showing Muslims exercising their freedom of religion. And gays and liberals are NOT MAKING A STINK ABOUT IT! The hypocrisy is colossal.
Americans Don’t Know Why We Celebrate the Fourth of July (short video & article)
Do you know why we celebrate July 4th?
Too many Americans say no. And it's a darn shame because it's such an important fact in our history. In fact, a majority of Americans don't know a lot of important facts in American history.
Watch Mark Dice talk with California beach goers about the 4th of July. He, embarrassingly, finds that many Americans simply don't know WHY we celebrate the 4th of July or what country we declared independence from.