10 Reasons You Need to Thank America for the Exceptional Life You Live (article)

Anti-Americanism from abroad would not be such a problem if Americans were united in standing up for their own country. But in this country itself, there are those who blame America for most of the evils in the world. On the political left, many fault the United States for a history of slavery, and for continuing inequality and racism. Even on the right, traditionally the home of patriotism, we hear influential figures say that America has become so decadent that we are “slouching towards Gomorrah.”

But the critics are wrong about America, because they are missing the big picture. In their indignation over the sins of America, they ignore what is unique and good about American civilization.

If I Was Australian I’d Be Pissed – Why Australia is So Expensive and a Warning to U.S. to Avoid This (article)

Here in Australia, everything is outrageously expensive!! Way more than even Europe. Especially housing. Yesterday, the Brit and I had lunch at a sweet, cozy spot with a burning fire in a fireplace in Manly Beach overlooking the ocean. Our server was an American and I immediately started chatting him up about why he was in Australia and his experiences here.

Why Stocks Are Falling All Over the World and How to Protect Yourself (Short Article)

Has your stock portfolio just had a scary roller coaster dip? Feel like you might have a heart attack with last week's perpetual drops in the stock market?

Today, the S&P 500 was halted for the first time in history. The DOW saw the biggest intraday drop EVER. Stocks are falling all over the world. It's frightening stuff if you have a significant portion of your savings and investments in the stock market. Who is everyone blaming for this? China, of course. Especially mainstream media.

But China is not to blame. The Federal Reserve is to blame.

Kudos to Gay Baker Who Understands Freedom and Schools Fellow Gays on the Truth About Their Bad Behavior (video)

My respect and applause goes out to Jesse Bartholomew, a baker, who happens to be gay, had the courage to stand up and tell fellow gays the truth about their appalling behavior in this 2 minute video.

Jesse expresses his frustration with fellow gays about the fact that they are punishing Christian bakers who have declined to bake their wedding cakes.

He has a really wonderful point. WHY would you even want someone who has a different view than you working on such a personal part of your wedding? There are so many bakers to go to, why focus on the one that has religious views that conflict with yours?

Because this isn't about cake. This isn't about hurt feelings. This is about ego. And punishing.

The “Freest” Country in the World is now the Biggest Loser in Freedom and Wealth

I am sitting in one of the freest nations in the world right now. I'm sipping my coffee in my office overlooking a beautiful swimming pool in a landscaped garden of flowers and palm trees. High rise buildings, subway stations, and corporate developments are going up everywhere around me because of the abundance of capital in the country. Porsches, Bentleys, Mercedes, and any other car brand that could possibly make you salivate zooms by on the road below. The buzz of activity is everywhere and loads of people are hurrying to lunch before heading back to work. The unemployment rate is 1.9%. Taxes are some of the lowest in the world. Anywhere from 0-20%

The Tragic Mess of The American Dream (29 min animation)

  • Do you understand what really caused the housing crash in 2008?
  • Do you understand what really caused the tech bubble crash in 2000?
  • Do you know that our financial system is currently set up to impoverish you with a stealthy tax?
  • Do you know how your money is created?
  • Do you know how your money is supposed to be created?
  • Do you know what the Federal Reserve really is?
  • Do you know how the Federal Reserve affects your daily life?
  • Did you know the Federal Reserve's policies are the reasons behind the growing income gap in America between the wealthy and the poor?

If You Love America, And Your Rights, You Will Never Ever Call It a Democracy (Video & Article)

DEMOCRACY ~ You think you know this word, right? This word is misused more than I breathe air. Especially this sentence: “America is a democracy.” This is the most commonly incorrect statement that I have come across in the world. Everywhere I have traveled, from England to Singapore to Costa Rica and back to America, I find countless people mistakenly thinking that America is a democracy. They. Are. Wrong.

Are you thinking, “Wait a minute. I thought America was a democracy!”?


An International Love Story and the Importance of Freedom (Video)

I have been on a grand adventure for the last three years! Falling in love. Traveling around the world. Living abroad. And most excitingly, seeing my years of study of economics and government systems come to real life in all the countries I have been blessed to visit.

Traveling the world has eased my mind about certain things, as well as introduced greater concerns into my heart. For example, it's good to see that so much of the fear mongering from America's media about other nations is just...false. Sri Lanka is not filled with terrorists, Cambodia is very safe to travel through, and everyone speaks English in Singapore.

My greatest concern is the number of nations that offer freedom and prosperity to its citizens. It's almost none.

The Biggest Money Secrets in the History of the World (Video)

Learning this will change your life because it will change the choices you make. We are entering the greatest financial crisis the world has ever known. And the greatest wealth transfer that the world has ever seen will take place with it.

Make sure you're on the right side of that wealth transfer.

Watch it. And then watch it again. I have probably watched it over 20 times now and I'm still watching it.

What an awesome way to show how the Federal Reserve creates "money" out of thin air. And what that does to your money and your standard of living.

Senator Rand Paul’s speech makes me want to jump for joy

Do you want to know why Republican Senator Rand Paul standing up, fighting for our rights, and telling the truth about the Obama administration trampling on the Constitution is good for you? If you don't already know the answer, here it is: it's because every country in the world, modern and ancient, that has citizens with limited freedoms and prosperity, have their liberties taken away by the overreaching powers of their governments.

A government trampling on your rights screws with the quality of your life.

Paul said the message (regarding the open letter to Iran) was actually to President Obama. “The message I was sending was to you. The message was to President Obama, that we want you to obey the law, we want you to understand the separation of powers.”

“I signed it to an administration that doesn’t listen, to an administration that at every turn tries to go around Congress, because you think you can’t get your way,” he added. “The president says, ‘oh, the Congress won’t do what I want, so I’ve got a pen and I’ve got my phone and I’m going to do what I want.’ The letter was to you.”