Do You Trust the Media? Former Hollywood Liberal Weighs In (Video and Short Article)
With all the lies and corruption that have been spilled by Wikileaks about the collusion between mainstream media and the Democratic party, the DNC, and Hillary Clinton, you'd think that "finally, it's all been exposed for everyone to see."
Except that so many liberals aren't exposed to this news. Liberals fiercely dedicated to the likes of CNN, ABC, Politico, BBC, MSNBC, etc. simply aren't seeing this news. Why would they? The lefty-bias that mainstream media hugs to themselves like a five-year old and his teddy bear gains nothing by letting their viewers and readers know the truth.
Too many people are unaware that MSNBC was being told what to do by the DNC. That Politico is on a leash for the Democrats. That the Washington Post has a DNC-Clinton shill on their payroll. And too many more to post here.