More Proof Why Capitalism is Humane and Socialism Kills and Impoverishes the Masses


These two countries are within a few miles of each other. In fact, you can see the other’s islands from the shores of each country. But the two countries could not be more different. Singapore engages in free market capitalism and their Economic Freedom Rank is 2nd in the world. At the time of this writing they are the 3rd richest country in the world per capita. Indonesia, on the other hand, is governed by a socialist government. Indonesia’s Economic Freedom Rank is 99th in the world and they are the 3rd poorest country in Asia. Imagine having to live in the poverty of Indonesia and witness from your shores Singapore’s prosperity on a daily basis. How frustrating to think that you were born just 28 miles too far from that free market capitalism.

Real Steps You Can Take to Turn Your Ideas & Goals Into Successful Reality

Our government has indulged in incredible financial and economic irresponsibility. They have made a series of disastrous monetary decisions. So, how can you rely on the very people who are breaking our system to help you?

We have a president who has spent more money and put every citizen of the United States of America into more debt than any other president in history. We have record numbers of people who are no longer working in the labor force, despite the government's doctored unemployment numbers. Economic data is terrible. Retail sales are terrible. Corporate earnings are horrible. The stock market is falling because the Fed has raised the interest rate a teeny tiny quarter of a percent, but our economy is too weak to handle even that. All of this is going to lead to more businesses losing money and more people losing their jobs.

Which brings me to what this article is about. Helping you take control of your life and being able to take your ideas and successfully turn them into reality. Now is the time to understand that you can achieve the life you desire, even in these dismal economic times.

A Christmas Special: The Lost Truths of Freedom and Christianity

For those of us living in the United States, a nation that has experienced more than two hundred years of unparalleled liberty, it is easy to take for granted the extraordinary gifts we have been given...

The majority of human beings have never even thought about the possibility of living under the protection of a government that would honor their individual rights or grant them freedom...

The modern day we live in, with the unimaginable blessings of freedom and liberty, is the aberration, not the norm. Further, simply because freedom exists today does not guarantee this gift will survive for future generations...

Singapore’s ‘George Washington’ Passes Away and What America Can Re-Learn from Him (article)

Rest in peace Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Modern day Singapore would not exist without this extraordinary man. Just like America's founding fathers, he was willing to do some of the hard things that make a nation prosperous. Free markets, capitalism, anti-welfare, and no minimum wage helped Singapore prosper. Despite the lack of individual liberty for Singaporeans, the man understood free markets and capitalism and his economic policies were the reason he was able to turn Singapore from a third world country into a first world country in a matter of a few decades. He elevated the lifestyles of all Singaporeans significantly.